
For instructions on how to register for PDD sessions via the PMI-MN Events site please view this tutorial. For optimum experience view in full screen.

The PMI-MN PDD Event Registration home page is as follows:

*For instructions on how to access the PDD App Guides click the following link: PMI-MN PDD APP Instructions for Education and Symposium Days. For information and instructions related to PDU claim submission to PMI Global see this link: Report PDUs to

1 The first step is to open PDD 2019 Conference Education Days via

Step 1 image

2 View How to Register for instructions. 

Step 2 image

3 Scroll down past the instructions to see the full schedule of PDD Education Days Events you can register for.

Step 3 image

4 Click the workshop or speaking event you want register for.

Step 4 image

5 Click Register now

Step 5 image

6 You will be taken to the Sign In page if you are not logged in. Click Sign in

Step 6 image

7 Login if you already have an PMI-MN Events account.

Note is not associated with your account. You will need to create a username and password for this site.

Step 7 image

8 Click Register if you do not have a PMI-MN Events account

Step 8 image

9 Enter in your email and create a Username and Password

Step 9 image

10 Click Register

Step 10 image

11 You will be redirected to a Profile page where you can update your Business Phone and Title

Step 11 image

12 Click Update to save your profile changes

Step 12 image

13 You will be redirected to the register page. Click Register now. (Note: if you change your mind and want to register for a different class you can return to the Home Page of

Step 13 image

14 Enter the Attendee details of First name and email address

Step 14 image

15 Click Select a pass

Step 15 image

16 Select the pass type from the dropdown. For our example we will select ChgTue020 - Member ($475)

Step 16 image

17 Click the checkboxes for the applicable statements below

Step 17 image

18 Click to accept cookies

Step 18 image

19 List any dietary restrictions or allergies.

Step 19 image

20 Scroll down and enter the characters you see

Step 20 image

21 Click Checkout

Step 21 image

22 Enter payment details

Step 22 image

23 Click Submit

Step 23 image

24 That's it!
You will receive an email confirmation of your event registration.
You may return to to register for additional events following the same instructions.

Step 24 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners