
To report PDUs via PMI global's website log into using your global username and password. There you can search the catalog for your course/event and submit a PDU claim. Generally approves these pretty quickly but if review if required the normal turnaround is a few business days.

Scroll down to view a step-through tutorial with basic instructions for how to report PDUs to PMI Global via For optimum tutorial experience view in full screen via "Try Steps" mode. You can also print as PDF if preferred.  

If your course is not registered with PMI, your students may still submit the course for PDUs by following the steps below:

  1. Log into
  2. Click on the Report PDUs tab on the left side of the page
  3. Click “Course or Training”
  4. Manually type in the required information (provider name, activity name, dates, and number of PDUs). Please do not select any course or provider from the dropdown menu.
  5. Once you have entered this information, please agree that the claim is accurate and click the submit button.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Volunteering with a PMI chapter can be reported for PDUs that count toward license renewal with PMI Global. For audit purposes these hours must be reported to a PMI chapter. See the following tutorials related to Volunteering with PMI-MN.

  • Volunteer Opportunities with PMI-MN Come join our team of amazing volunteers! Follow the steps in this tutorial to explore current opportunities.
  • Report Volunteer Hours This tutorial provides instructions on how to report volunteer hours via Note: To receive PDU credit for volunteer hours reported to PMI-MN and apply them towards recertification of PMI licenses select the Volunteer button in Giving Back as noted in the Report PDUs tutorial below.


Login to and click your <b>profile </b>link.

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Report PDUs</b></i></span>

There are a variety of Education and Giving Back categories for entering PDUs. Click the category to report PDUs. Remember to report any PMI-MN volunteer hours via the Volunteer option at the bottom of the Giving Back activities buttons.

To view and monitor your Claim History click <b>Claim History</b>.

Your claim history will display.<br><br>Note: You can also print or download a transcript from the upper right menu options. To change the time period use the filter in the upper right of the PDU list.

To navigate within the profile options use the left menu buttons.<br><br>Click Earn PDUs to explore opportunities.

To return to the dashboard click Dashboard.

To contact click <span class=""><i><b>Contact</b></i></span>

Live Chat is available during standard business hours.

Additional contact information for the Americas is listed on the home page.

For additional global locations use the left global locations menu.